I went to Kajabi HQ and Learned THIS

kajabi Feb 22, 2023

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit the Kajabi Headquarters in Irvine, California. As a content creator and business owner, I was excited to learn more about the platform and the company behind it. During my visit, I gained three key takeaways that I believe can be valuable to anyone in the online business space.

Takeaway #1 - Repurposing Content With AI

One conversation in the event that stood out to me was when we talked about repurposing content with AI. Different audiences have different learning styles which is why we, as creators, should be giving them different ways to consume our content.

If you have a podcast for example, consider getting a camera and hitting record so you can upload it to YouTube. If you don't want...

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Here's What Happens When You Make $10k in Kajabi

kajabi Jun 28, 2022

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve probably picked up on the fact that I love Kajabi. I use Kajabi to run my business and have been for a few years now.



Now, I’ve done well over $10k in my business but wasn’t completely using Kajabi’s software and calculating my payments through it.



That first year or so of using Kajabi was me trying to figure out how to use the platform well and just be a real entrepreneur.



Today, I’m fully on Kajabi and run everything in my business through it and recently passed $10k in Kajabi and they sent me a shoebox!



But are there shoes in it? 



Today, I’m gonna show you what happens...

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A Step-By-Step Guide To Build Your Blog Using Kajabi

kajabi May 31, 2022

In this Kajabi tutorial, I’m going to show you how simple building your blog is inside of Kajabi and a couple of ninja tricks I’ve learned to help you get the most out of your blog.


Try out Kajabi for 30 days FREE + a free course and 1-1 coaching here


I’ve heard people say that blogging is dead and that couldn’t be further from the truth.


Think about this… If you want to learn or understand something better, what do you do? You Google it!


When you search for something inside Google, you get a list of blog posts to choose from and see which one can answer your question. Blogging is not dead. In fact, it’s even more relevant since the pandemic.


And if you’re...

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What Is Kajabi? Everything You Need To Know (2022 Review)

kajabi May 17, 2022

I geek out on Kajabi and talk about it a lot. Because of that, people ask me questions like...


"What is Kajabi?" "Who is it for?" "Why do I need Kajabi?" "What does Kajabi replace in your online business?" 


Here's the truth...


Kajabi is hands down, the best all-in-one tool to run your online business. Period.


There is a reason they dominate the competition when it comes to having everything you need to succeed online in one place.  


Kajabi is the only brand I affiliate for because I believe in the product so much and I wish more people would use this amazing tool in their business.


And today, I’m going to answer all of your questions to see if it’s the right...

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How To Build Marketing Pipelines With One Click in Kajabi

kajabi Apr 06, 2022

If you feel overwhelmed with even the thought of marketing your business, fear not.  


Kajabi makes marketing easy by giving you pre-set marketing pipelines (AKA funnels) that are beautifully designed to attract the right kind of people to your business.  


Pipelines in Kajabi allow you to build opt-in pages, landing pages, sales pages, checkout pages, and email sequences all built for you in one click!  


Using Kajabi’s Pipeline feature, you can put complex funnels together in seconds that give your audience a great experience when buying your products or services.  



Today, I’m going to show you just how easy it is to build these pipelines inside of...

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How To Build a Website Using Kajabi (Drag & Drop)

kajabi Mar 29, 2022

Having a website for your business is a non-negotiable in today's digital landscape.


What's crazy is that some people will spend thousands of dollars to outsource someone to build their website when you can build one yourself in a day that is both functional and professional.


Kajabi not only can host your online courses and digital products, but you also get an entire website as part of any plan you sign up with.


They have many beautiful themes to pick from that are fully customizable, you get a store for your products, and you also get a blog to post content on. In Kajabi, they don't just give you a landing page, you get a fully optimized website.


In this tutorial, I'm going to show you just how easy it...

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Kajabi Email Marketing For Beginners

kajabi Mar 21, 2022

Building a strong email list is the foundation of every successful online business but there are so many different tools you can use to accomplish that it’s hard to know which one is best.


With Kajabi, not only do you get to build online courses, membership sites, landing pages, a website, and so on, you also get to build and stay in contact with your email list from within the software.


When it comes to email marketing in Kajabi, they keep it super simple and user-friendly for us so that we can build our knowledge business without having to connect a bunch of 3rd party tools that probably won’t work well together anyway.


Today, I’m going to show you just how simple sending emails to your list...

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