Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with all of the things you have to focus on in life?
Moving from your business or work to spending time with family and friends but still thinking about work?
It can feel like balancing on a ball while juggling sometimes.
As High-Performers, we do a lot.
And we want to excel in what we do, which can lead to overwhelm at times.
So what do we do?
Remember that High Performers are highly intentional with their actions.
They set a clear intention before they do something.
When making a transition...
(i.e. going from work to family, family to work, gym to friends, etc.)
Take a deep breath in through the nose,
Out through the mouth.
Set your intention by saying...
Have you ever heard someone say,
"All of the answers are inside of you."?
And you think...
"Well, if the answers were inside of me, why can't I find them!?"
Truth is...
The answers really ARE inside of you!
You just need to know how to access them.
Thing is...
It's difficult to find your answers purely on a conscious level.
The REAL answers lie in your unconscious mind.
"Ok... So how do I find em?"
Your answers lie in a different energetic state.
We want to match our vibration (energy) with our vision.
Consider this...
Have you ever made a good decision in anger,...
We often hear, "add more value!" or "it's all about adding value", "focus on adding value".
But what does that really mean?
Adding value is about making people's lives better, smoother, faster, more enjoyable.
This could mean...
- Making people laugh more.
- Inspiring them.
- Motivating them to do what they really want
- Acknowledging positive traits in another.
- Telling someone they look amazing today.
- Getting a job done faster
- Doing a job better, etc.
Competent people are more valuable people.
The world needs more competent leaders.
The biggest question to ask yourself is...
"Is what I'm about to say (or do) going to add value?"
When you put your attention on improving the lives of others, you will become more valuable.
Let's face it...
There are some Karens out there.
You know, those people that are just straight a** holes?
Unfortunately, we can't just "cut everyone away" that makes our life difficult.
If done in an unnecessary way, that can actually be toxic.
Question is...
"What if these monkey butts are my family, my co-workers, my boss, or my spouse, even!?"
"It's kind of hard to just kick those people out of my life!"
Everyone is in their own little world and you have NO IDEA what they're thinking about.
You have no idea what they're going through.
You have no idea how much sleep they got.
God forbid...
If they're hangry.
Don't take it...
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