How To Raise Your Standards and Get More Out of Life

What are your standards?
Standards are what separate the pros from the amateurs.
The problem is...
Most people have low and poor standards.
A restaurant serves a meal and there is a fly or two in it.
Before they serve the meal, they notice the fly and decide to serve it anyway.
That is a low standard.
Because of that... 
You most likely wouldn't eat at that restaurant again, or you would be highly skeptical and be inspecting your food if you went there again.
Let's say you're an Olympic sprinter...
Are you just going to casually walk through the finish line?
Of course not.
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Make Life Easier Using "The S.E.E. Method"

Life is complicated...
Every human being on this planet has a complex life (even if their life seems easy).
Because, as human beings, we have a tendency to make things complicated and difficult even when they're not.
Life is simple...
People make things complicated.
Let's simplify life by using what I call "The S.E.E. Method."
S.E.E. stands for...
When we can make things Simple, Efficient, and Effective,
Things are perceived as EASY.
Think about it...
If you have ever worked with a company that made things so simple, they were efficient and highly...
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How To Be Focused & Intentional

As High-Performers, we wear a lot of hats.

We have our family and relationships, our health and well-being, our personal development, our careers, our teams, our goals and dreams, and so on.

With all of these things going on, it's easy to get overwhelmed and not be present and focused on what's in front of us.

For example...

You finish working and are now spending time with your family or friends.


You keep thinking about what you were working on!

Now you're not as present as you would like to be with your family or friends.

You're not deepening the relationships as much as you would ideally want to.

That sucks...

Here's how you fix it.

Practice this release meditation...

When making a transition, (i.e. going from work to family...

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Manifestation: Truth or Scam?

Manifestation is a very popular and common topic nowadays.  
But is it actually a real thing, or is it a load of woo-woo?  
I can tell you from first-hand experience that manifestation is indeed a real thing.  
Problem is...  
People have distorted beliefs about how it actually works.  
With movies and books on the Law of Attraction like "The Secret" and "Think and Grow Rich",  
People get the idea that they can JUST think about what they want and it will "magically happen". 
While thoughts are a necessary part of manifestation,   
It's not the whole enchilada....
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Tithing: How To Be An Effective Tither

Tithing is commonly known as a biblical practice of giving 10% of your income to the church.

But what about us non-religious folk?

Can we still reap the rewards that tithing brings?

The answer is yes, we can.

There is a process and science to tithing properly and in this lesson, I am going to share with you 3 ways to be an effective tither (without joining a church. Unless that's what you want to do... then by all means go for it).

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How To Overcome Fear In 3 Simple Steps

 Is fear getting in the way of your life?

If so, you're not alone.

Fear is one of the most common roadblocks you will encounter when building your dreams.

In this lesson, I am going to share with you why we experience fear, how to notice when fear is creeping in, and (of course) how to overcome it.

3 simple steps that you can apply to your life right now to get over this hurdle known as fear.

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Email vs. Text Message Marketing - Which Is Best?

"Email is dead!" - they say

"Texting is the new way!"

"No! You NEED to be using email!!"

What's the truth?

Marketing is an essential piece of running a business.

While there are many ways to market your business; email and text message are two great ways to keep the relationship with your people alive.

So that you can actually have a business!

In this lesson, I'm going to share with you the pros and cons of both email and text message marketing along with the best way to reach the most people.

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5 Ways To Have People Love You

Do you struggle with low confidence and self-esteem?

You're not alone.

I used to be there and was eager to learn how to boost that confidence so that I could have better relationships.

And with that drive and motivation, I found out how.

Relationships are everything and how to have great ones is something we need to learn if we are going to make a Massive Positive Impact.

In this lesson, I am going to share with you 5 ways to have people love you and want to be around you.

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How To Get The Results You Want

Get the FREE workshop here www.jamesallencoaching.com ___________________________________________________________________ Have you ever wondered why you're not getting the results you want in your life & business?

Here's the inside scoop...

It's about what's going on between your ears.

Watch this video to learn the Results Formula.

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How To Have An Abundance Mindset

Do you ever find yourself feeling like there's not enough?

Like there's never enough money, time, or goodness to go around?

That my friend is a scarcity mindset and today, we're going to transform that scarcity mindset into an abundance mindset!

In today's lesson, I will teach you 3 steps that you can start putting into play TODAY to begin lifting the weights of abundance.

With time and practice, you will not be able to hide from abundance.

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